
Sustainability & Impact

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Environmental policy.

Mission statement

The environment is important to my business, my collaborators and my customers. I have a responsibility to manage my environmental impact carefully, including meeting all legal and regulatory requirements. I am committed to reducing my environmental impact and continually improving my environmental performance as an integral part of my business strategy and operating methods, with regular review points. I will encourage customers, suppliers and other stakeholders to do the same.

Policy aims

I endeavor to:

  • Comply with and exceed all relevant regulatory requirements.
  • Continually improve and monitor environmental performance.
  • Incorporate environmental considerations into business decisions.
  • Increase employee awareness of this policy and provide training to ensure that we meet it’s requirements.

Policy priorities

1. Carbon footprint

  • I will measure and report the carbon footprint of my business on an annual basis.
  • I will continue to seek ways of radically reducing my carbon footprint.
  • I will half my carbon emissions year on year until I have reached zero
  • I will achieve net zero by 2025

2. Energy and Water

  • I will seek to reduce the amount of water & energy used as much as possible, including through investment to improve the energy efficiency of my operations.
  • I will switch lights and electrical equipment off when not in use.
  • I will adjust heating with energy consumption in mind.

3. My products & services

  • I will create web products for myself and my clients that comply with the principles of the sustainable web manifesto.
  • I will create and consult with my clients on creating digital presences aimed at reducing carbon footprint.
  • I will advise my clients and collaborators on how to reduce their impact on their digital presence and on their operations.

4. Purchasing goods & services

  • In deciding about the purchasing of goods & services, I will routinely and systematically consider the environmental impact of those materials and their supply chain.
  • We will favor more environmentally friendly and efficient products wherever possible.
  • I will favor providers and collaborators who have sustainability policies and goals wherever possible.

5. Transportation

  • I will promote the use of travel alternatives, such as video/phone conferencing.
  • I will apply a principled approach to our own business travel, including avoiding travel where possible, using public transport and transitioning to electric vehicles.

6. Waste and recycling

  • I will re-use as much waste material as possible.
  • Waste materials which cannot be re-used will be recycled wherever this is feasible.
  • I will only use licensed and appropriate organisations to dispose of waste which cannot be re-used.

My Environmental Management System

I have developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) to ensure we meet the requirements of this policy. I will review our performance against the EMS on a regular basis.

I will update this policy regularly in consultation with other stakeholders where necessary.

This policy has been created with the help of Green Small Business and the Business Declares tools will be reviewed and updated every year.

Written by

Maria Arango-Kure

Org. Nr. SE8710239727-01



+46 (0) 76 183 4310

Lundmarksgatan 31, 57831.

Aneby, Jönköping, Sweden.

Last Revised
