
Sustainability & Impact

min read

Climate impact assessment & action plan.

As part of my sustainability work, I have taken stock of all my business areas and activities and analyzed the potential impact each might have in terms of sustainability. The following summary goes over the steps I have already taken to tackle the impact of each of my business activities, and the specific actions that I will take to fulfil my commitment to sustainability.


Electricity and heating:

  • I buy 100% renewable electricity
  • I heat and cool with an electric heat pump
  • I use LED low-consumption lightbulbs
  • Automation of a mechanism to turn off all devices in the office when not in use by the end of 2024
  • Ongoing reduction of digital footprint (emails sent and received, storage, video streaming, etc.)

Cleaning & waste management:

  • In-depth cleaning activities only take place twice a month.
  • I recycle all waste according to Swedish standards.
  • I use of food grade cleaning supplies that reduce water pollution.
  • I use solid cleaning products to reduce water, transport and single use plastics.
  • Installation of flow-limiting faucets by end of 2024

Travel and transport:

  • I limit travel for business, working remotely from my home office.
  • I use remote conferencing rather than physical meetings when possible.
  • I public transport or electric vehicles for commuting.
  • Offsetting of any emissions when engaging in medium and long-haul travel for business which can’t be avoided, by the end of 2024


  • I use green hosting servers for development and personal sites.
  • I am localizing goods providers to the European Union, to reduce transport impact.
  • I prioritize green IT providers who have a sustainability action plan and goals.
  • I focus on repairing and reusing equipment to avoid replacing when possible.
  • Reach a goal of 50% net zero providers by 2025
  • Reach a goal of 100% providers following sustainability goals by 2025
  • Eliminate all non net zero providers by 2030


  • I work with industry leaders and perform research towards increasing best practices for digital footprint and sustainable web.
  • I develop all new sites and strategy within the best practices of the sustainable web
  • By the end of 2025, have all managed websites scoring single digits of carbon emissions.
  • By the end of 2025, have all managed websites and clients in green hosting.
  • By the end of 2025, have all clients’ digital footprint reduced by 60%.
  • By the end of 2030, have all clients’ digital footprint reduced to net zero.


  • Promoting sustainability best practices internally with clients, suppliers and collaborators.
  • Promoting sustainability best practices externally on social media and my own platforms.
  • By the end of 2024, establishing KPIs for specific awareness campaigns to measure impact.

Leadership & Management

  • I have taken business strategic decisions to join existing campaigns like the sustainable web manifesto, the race to zero initiative, the SME climate hub, business declares, and the clean creatives.
  • Rejecting work with businesses in the coal and fossil fuel industries.
  • Reducing work with businesses in high carbon industries such as air transport, metal production and large-scale food production.
  • Reach a goal of 20% net zero clients by 2025
  • Double the amount of net zero clients year on year.
  • Reach a goal of 75% clients following sustainability goals by 2024
  • Eliminate all clients who don’t have sustainability goals by 2025
  • Eliminate all non net zero clients by 2030


  • I work with banking and insurance institutions that have sustainability goals aligned with the UNDG.
  • Revolut bank has joined the Tech Net Zero campaign and actively report and reduce their sustainability progress towards net zero.

    Public Affairs

    • I work with international communities aimed at developing inclusive climate solutions.
    • I speak at events about the importance of digital responsibility.
    • I take part in research groups and other academic cohorts to support local sustainability practices.
    • Support community work on climate solutions that are socially inclusive.
    • Work with my local community to produce positive local impact.

    This plan has been created with the help of Green Small Business and the Business Declares tools will be reviewed and updated every year.

    Written by

    Maria Arango-Kure

    Org. Nr. SE8710239727-01



    +46 (0) 76 183 4310

    Lundmarksgatan 31, 57831.

    Aneby, Jönköping, Sweden.

    Last Revised
